How Draw Thru The Bible Works
Draw Thru The Bible brings clarity and cohesiveness to the Bible by beginning with the Big Picture of the Old Testament. This Big Picture includes:
- Fifteen of the most important persons and events divided into five time periods
- A timeline of those people, events and books of the Bible
- A map showing the geography and journey of these stories
Following this introductory lesson, each time period is broken down into individual lessons that examine these fascinating people and stories in greater detail. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction of the main characters in that period and then tell their engaging stories in greater detail.
To assist in learning, discussion questions and memory verses are included at the end of each lesson.
Teaching Draw Thru The Bible
The teachers manual can be used in two ways:
1) The teacher or leader with little or no background can simply read the text. It includes all of the pictures and story line plus all of the instructions for the students.
2) There is a one page summary at the end of each lesson so that the leader can study the text and simply tell the stories in a conversational way while glancing at the summary notes to keep on track.